Super brand

For this task we had to come up with a super power and advertise that power to the world.

I created a mind map first to give me some ideas for a character.

I liked the idea of an energy healer and started looking at things like chakra stones, shapes and logos.

So I decided my super power would be useful for relaxing, reduce pain, taking away grief and sadness and for spiritual reasons. It would be something that has been passed down through the family.

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I then changed my mind and instead of being a super hero I would work for the other side and be a healer for villains. This is where I then started getting ideas for an evil spa.

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Id create a logo/brand and advertise using business cards, website and design a spa treatment price list.

My business cards have a finger print button which is pressed when an appointment is requested for an evil treatment.

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I did some research into ancient and unusual medical procedures and used these and some more normal ones to produce a price list with all the treatments available.

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