
My research poster

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My research at the exhibition


Also made an A5 information leaflet, unfortunately I didn’t print these in time.

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For our class exhibition I had to organise the venue for us, we decided to use the atrium in the university centre which is quite a good size and is easily accessible. After many emails back and forth with the beacon centre and trying to find out who and how I hired the space out I eventually managed to get the space on the day and times we wanted free of charge. I also arrived early to help organise the snacks, boards and lay the tables out.

I was unsure about my research poster when I first put it up as it was quite bright and had a lot of information and writing on which I though may put people off reading, but I was pleasantly surprised that people were interested and were asking questions about it.  I had made some A5 information leaflets that gave details of helplines, websites and services available for cyber bullying but never got time to printing, so I am disappointed with myself for that.

This was the first time I had shown anything I had designed in public I was really anxious even though it was just a research poster, we had attended a conference in November for Creative Lancashire Global Entrepreneur week which I really enjoyed and thought each of their stories and designs/photos were all very interesting so I didn’t want an opposite effect with our exhibition. Overall the whole experience in my opinion was very successful, we had quite a lot of interest in everyone’s posters and got lots of positive feedback.