Logo Design

On this task me and Abbie decided to work together to design the studio 1.2.3 logo.

I started off with some research on the internet, I looked through my logo design books and asked my peers what route they were all taking. I then produced aΒ mind map to get some ideas together whilst communicating with Abbie for her input too.

I added sketches of shapes, letters, numbers and started thinking of crosswords etc. I attempted to jump on illustrator after a short time but after receiving some feedback I decided I wasn’t quite ready so went back to the mind map.


Abbie chose the 3 colours we were using to represent the 3 main adobe apps (photo shop, illustrator and In Design), We both shared our ideas and logo versions with each other and discussed which few we liked the best.

The feedback on our ideas we was told that the triangle ones looked a little snooker like, the colour was a good idea and the circle one was a good one as it looked like the venn diagram from the dissertation handbook however the font needed some work.

After agreeing on the colour, the shape and the font we finally produced a few we liked with different variations and styles until we settled with 1.