I&B Evaluation

Logo’s and symbols

For the first lesson we learnt about extrinsic meanings like the apple symbol being theFruit of knowledge hence the famous apple logo, The Nike logo (Swoosh)

Also means the Greek goddess of victory, apparently the Nike brand represents the wings of the Greek goddess Nike.

I found out that Nazi uniform was designed by Hugo boss however the symbols on their uniforms were used many times before as peace signs.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy this session and interacted loads.


We were told to create our own coat of arms using heraldry symbols that represent us and to explain each one. I chose to sketch mine.

Firstly, I found my family name crest and then started researching the meanings and colours of symbols I wanted to use.

I wish I had done this digitally as it looks rubbish almost like a child’s drawn it.

Identity and meaning of symbols and logos 

We talked briefly about Bass brewery being trademark no1 and that the triangle symbol is featured in over 40 Picasso paintings. Also started to talk about brands that’s been in existence for 50+ years, looking how their logo/brand evolves over the years to reflect the era at the time.

We also looked at signs and symbols used in logos, we identified the meaning of road signs, (created by Margaret Calvert) that colours and shapes have different meanings to be easily understood.

We were each given a common symbol in class, (mine was a heart) we had to find logos and brands that have this symbol in and give a meaning to each.

The heart symbol is popular in art and logo designs it represents love, marriage, romance, kindness, loyalty, affection, emotion and medical. It could also represent more crude stuff like Vulva, breasts, bum or testicles.

The Vena Amoris (latin for ‘vein of love’) is believed this vein runs directly from the fourth finger on the left hand straight to the heart.

Literal to abstract symbols

We were given random words and told to come up with as many words we could that associate with them then sketch some obvious symbols and some not so.

Again, I wish I had done them digitally as they look crap.

50-year brands

We talked about brands that have been in existence for 50 years or over and asked to find examples of their logos that have evolved with time. I found quite a few these are all documented on my blog.

We then discussed each one and explained why and what socio-economic factors were happening around the times each logo changed. eg: – 1969 Moon landing – Boeing 747 jumbo jet debut etc

Evolution of the Lego logo

We were then told to choose one of the brands and write a 1000-word essay on the evolution of their logo, I chose Lego and really loved researching them.

Logo Development 

After our essay we was then asked to develop 3 logo types for our chosen company. The logo development could be a result of diversification, a response to socio-economic trends or evolution.

My first logo was based on diversification but instead of branding out into another field I decided to go back when the company first started up. The step ladders, ironing boards and stools would now be made with a strong plastic that all clicked and connected together like Lego pieces.

I wanted to try keep the newest logo version but at the same time give it a retro style. After trying numerous variations using old style fonts and logos, I then settled with the new bulky font logo and mixed it with the 1965 striped logo then simply added the word ‘system’ also used in the 60’s, to give a feeling of mechanism or interconnecting. My second logo was a response to socio-economic trends and go with a cricket World Cup inspired logo which is on this year (2019). Lego would make some limited-edition cricket players and toys for the special event.

I took the World Cup logo from their site and had a play around with a few variations by changing the colours, size and placing it behind the font on the original Lego logo as well as keeping Lego’s brand colours.

My last logo was also based on socio-economic and very similar to the cricket themed design, but this time using Olympics 2020. I still used the latest Lego logo and their brand colours throughout.After all the attempts above, I still wasn’t satisfied until I come up with my metallic gold logo even though I had no idea or concept behind it at first.

Logo development Presentation

I was in two minds with which one to take to a full corporal brand identity between the systems logo or the metallic gold one. After receiving feedback from my presentation from mark and my fellow students I decided to go with the ‘Metallic’ logo with an idea that Lego have made gold ‘Collectable’ items and figures targeting older children and adults.

Brand Identity Guidelines

I picked 5 brand guidelines to download as I couldn’t just choose 3 as I liked too many.

Lego Gold Brand Guidelines

After the feedback, I went with the metallic gold logo and started planning out what I’d need for the brand identity guidelines. I sketched a few ideas first then got straight onto InDesign to play around. I must be honest it took me a while to get my head around ID again as id not really been on it much and I forgot how much I really liked it (even though I’m not that great) it’s probably been my favourite program to use this semester. I most certainly will be practicing more through the summer to improve my skills with it.

I do think my booklet design could have been improved like doing my own images, explaining things a little more and maybe adding more subjects into the guidelines. I also wanted to have a go at mocking the booklet up myself which I had purchased some nice acrylic paper for unfortunately I’d forgotten the paper on the day I was supposed to print and would have no time the day after so I sent my work to reprographics to print and bind for me.

I was pleased with the mock up however I do think it would have been better landscape and printed on the thicker paper I had bought. I really do wish I had attempted the printing and binding myself, I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t now.

This module has been by far my favourite this semester and the one I’ve kept up to date with and put the most time into even though I could of put more effort into some of the tasks. I didn’t leave anything until last minute like some of my other modules or tasks and even though I ended up going reprographics for my booklet I still felt that I gave myself enough time for the end product.