
After deciding on the artwork and adding some finishing touches and getting some advice from Dave who realised my work was starting to look similar to Saul Bass film posters, which ironically, I was writing about in my critical studies essay, so may without realising been taking inspiration from them. I just needed to decide on a colour.

Screenshot 2019-04-15 at 16.43.13

Some Saul Bass film posters that I looked at which had been helping me with the layout and design.

anatomy-of-a-murder-vintage-movie-poster-original-25x35-6767_large                                  matthew-mccarthy-saul-bass-archive-work-graphicdesign-itsnicethat-list2

I was finally happy with one. Then Mark explained the space on and around the boards which I hadn’t took into consideration as id put all my text at the bottom which no-one would have seen and also I realised my design looked much better on a white background.

Using my feedback and some inspiration from Saul Bass posters, I added a border, reduced the size of my text and moved it further up the poster leaving a large empty unused space at the bottom and played around until I was satisfied.

Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 07.47.52

My final piece was completed and sent down to print on Tuesday 23rd in PDF form which I then the day after had to change to PNG for reprographics to open. I picked my poster up on Thursday 25th and stored it.

I did also think about having an information leaflet created and printed but soon realised I was running out of time and the boards for the exhibition were being delivered on Wednesday the 24th which would need constructing, organising and painting before Friday.

Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 07.46.03

The exhibition started on Monday 29th April 2019, we started arranging and putting our posters up in the afternoon, this is when I realised id made a spelling error on my poster (DEVESTATING) which I was absolutely devastated about. I had no choice but to exhibit my poster as it was too late to get a re-print.

Apart from my huge mistake, the boards and space looked great and we had a good turn out and some amazing feedback for the opening evening.