DP Evaluation

Presentation research:                             Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at 14.50.05                      

I started off thinking about student jobs through summer for my project but quickly changed my mind when I realised there was quite a lot of help for this subject. I then thought about Men’s mental health which is a major issue and something very close to my heart, I did quite a lot of research into this but decided Cyber bullying would be my best option as I have a teenager daughter who at the time, I started this was aware of someone being bullied online from her school and was asking me for advice.

Data Collation:                                              Screenshot 2018-12-18 at 19.27.24                           

After researching my subject, I created a questionnaire with 20 questions which would help me further my research. My fellow students filled out this and I collected the information. From this I then narrowed it down to 10 questions which I put on a survey to gain more accurate results. I was very surprised to find out the majority did not know how to report online bullying or to whom.

With all this I then had to decide how to present them so I sketched and jotted notes until I was happy.

Idea generation:                                               Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 14.54.41                 

I didn’t use any technique in particular for my posters, I looked at a few sites and used some tools online and decided to do mine clear and rude by using pointing fingers and bold colours. To be honest they really didn’t take long to think of or complete, if I’d have given them more thought and time, I could have designed something better, however they are clear and straight to the point.

Design Process II:                                             Screenshot 2018-12-22 at 14.07.37 

My design process has been slightly modified but is still basically the same process I always use but much quicker, I try not to take breaks or do too much research like I used to last year. I get my brief, get on with researching and planning almost straight away, get some ideas sketch or written then ask for some feedback before developing.

Exhibition:                                                         Screenshot 2018-12-18 at 19.44.09     

For our class exhibition I had to organise the venue for us, we decided to use the atrium in the university centre which is quite a good size and is easily accessible. After many emails back and forth with the beacon centre and trying to find out who and how I hired the space out I eventually managed to get the space on the day and times we wanted free of charge. I also arrived early to help organise the snacks, boards and lay the tables out.

I was unsure about my research poster when I first put it up as it was quite bright and had a lot of information and writing on which I though may put people off reading, but I was pleasantly surprised that people were interested and were asking questions about it.  I had made some A5 information leaflets that gave details of helplines, websites and services available for cyber bullying but never got time to printing, so I am disappointed with myself for that.

This was the first time I had shown anything I had designed in public I was really anxious even though it was just a research poster, we had attended a conference in November for Creative Lancashire Global Entrepreneur week which I really enjoyed and thought each of their stories and designs/photos were all very interesting so I didn’t want an opposite effect with our exhibition. Overall the whole experience in my opinion was very successful, we had quite a lot of interest in everyone’s posters and got lots of positive feedback.

Specialist Project:

I think I was clear with what i was trying to achieve on this but a little unsure if it’s right especially once I started the dissertation for this module. The swot analysis and the areas for consideration were parts I also didn’t clearly understand so just wrote what I thought was correct.


This felt although I was at some points just going over what I had wrote in the specialist project but a little more in depth, I am really unsure about this and if it’s been done correctly if I’m honest. I’m hoping as it is just a proposal the feedback, I receive will allow me to amend it without effecting my grade too much.