W&S Evaluation

Brand identity

I first started off with a mind map with who I am, what I do, what I like, what I intend to do etc to try help me create a brand for myself. I am not going to lie this was probably the hardest task I have had to do this semester. I found it so difficult to create a logo and was asking for advice and help a lot. After numerous sketches and attempts on illustrator I gave up for a while and left this to the last minute. One of my fellow students (Abbie) offered to help with some designs, but I still just wasn’t happy with one.

I started another mind map with the help of Mark and really liked the idea of a piece Lilly and started getting some ideas together with this and this started with me thinking about eyes and my favourite colour green. I was still struggling to come up with a name and a design. Eventually I drifted away from the picture logo and started thinking about typography, I am now satisfied with the name and logo. I was running out of time with this and I am sure and at some point, I may think about re-branding.


Critique other businessesI really enjoyed searching for other local designers and looking more in depth at the way they’re sites and social media posts were being run. I chose two to write about one good and one bad which you can see in my blog.

Collecting browsers – I collected 6 browsers to check and test numerous sites on.

Marketing mix– This was something we were asked to do very early on for Roger, we were asked to give full meaning to the 7’ps and then asked to analysis what it meant for our own sites.


Mission statement or Tag line– It wasn’t until setting up my own professional site that I remembered I had to do this. I didn’t give too much thought into this, I just created something I liked and sounded good and went with it.


Social media planner– This came quite easy to me to do as I used to manage social media sites at work. I did all the schedules for 3 businesses over 4 different social media sites, So I didn’t find this difficult at all. I will be updating this regular and making changes where necessary for each month.

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This task was set when I was absent, so I was unsure about it at first, I looked on Moodle and asked other students so I’m hoping it is correct. I made 10 persons who I thought would use my site and gave vague reasons as to why.

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Pet Site

To start with this was so frustrating when we were being taught in class not just for me, I think the whole class struggled at the beginning, however once we got further into it, I started to really enjoy it and could not wait to start my real one.

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Professional Website

This has been the most enjoyable task I have had this semester. I have had so much fun learning and creating my site and discovering how to insert images, blogs and pages etc. I have not got much in my gallery at the minute and there’s still loads I need to learn, and I will continue amending and searching for new ways to improve.

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Elements of the user experience

This was the very last task I had left out of all my modules. I put it off until id read the book, which I did but still struggled to find 500 words for each especially when I was running out of time. I still think I’ve explained myself but maybe repeated myself and at some points I think I was doing it wrong. If I would have given this more time and allowed myself to understand each one correctly id of more than likely been able to write more.


Overall this module has been really enjoyable to do especially creating my website and social sites. The branding and logo were proving difficult for me for quite a while, but it all seemed to come together in the end.