
For this challenge we were separated into groups of all years and had to design an image or artefact using the word ‘dystopia’. We named our group ‘The Sea men’.

We researched dystopia and the meaning of the word and looked at some examples. We made a list of ideas we had:

Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 15.27.05

We all agreed on the festival idea with a mad max theme and drew a mind map and made a mood board. After pitching our idea to the class, We discussed what items we would need and looked at logo designs for different bands:

Liam then created the brand/logo which set off so many more ideas for posters, tickets and t-shirt designs etc.

We then had the logo laser cut to use on our t-shirts and posters etc:


We designed an A3 poster and also produced some A5 leaflets:

The tickets were designed with secret co-ordinates on them. I then printed these on brown card at home and both me and Liam cut these out ready for presentation.

I purchased some cheap t-shirts to spray the logo and band names on using the laser cut out.

I really enjoyed this task and our finishing product looked really good.