Creating an identity

I created an identity and brand in my web and social media module last semester, from this I set up a website and 3 social media sites which I regularly check and update.

Web & social media:


After numerous attempts and mind maps including Lilly plants, my children, my favourite colour and hobbies etc, I eventually had a few good ideas and decided a simple typography logo was best suited for me.


Both my children and i have green eyes, the area inside the e’s (in which one has been coloured in green) are also called eyes which links it together nicely.


My logo will appear at the bottom left hand corner of all my letter heads and business cards using the black Franklin Gothic font and the colour green inside the one e.

My website has my logo on the top of the page floating in the middle using the exact same colours and fonts as does my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook page.

I’m currently in the middle of creating brand guidelines for my logo but did not have time to finish these.