Brand extension ideas

I started with jotting down ideas and options for extending brands, some more extreme than others. After this I chose 3 to work on and extend with sketches. I picked Billabong virtual headset, this head set would have had lots of sports installed like surfing, skiing, sky diving and abseiling etc. My second idea was for the Kellogg’s extended breakfast and morning routine accessories such as bread, eggs, milk, toothpaste and alarm clock. My final idea was the pub snacks by the company Strongbow which would include crisps, peanuts and pop scratchings etc.


I really liked the Kellogg’s idea but decided that a fried breakfast would be a bit extreme and wouldn’t really fit with the whole concept and further research showed me the alarm clock had already been produced.

I think my best option was the Strongbow pub snacks which I decided to run with as packaging design is something that I have a lot of interest in. I researched their brand including their logos like the golden apple, arrow target and the colours they use etc then started sketching some ideas out for packets.