Advertising artifacts

Brinox wrong cut campaign:

The campaign has a polysemy meaning to it, the company produces home appliances and cutlery and is trying to promote knives hence the caption ‘A wrong cut ruins everything’ however it is also giving off another meaning. The type is too big so has been cut into two words, so the caption works for this too. I think its creative and some words work better and are more wittier than others.


These Durex ads, whilst trying to send a direct serious message still has a sense of humour which i’d say is targeted at anyone from 16+. Apparently, it was supposed to be the end of the world on the date shown on the first image and the company used this witty poster to promote its products. Both are smart, funny and do the job.

Daihatsu ad:


This ad for Daihatsu uses big, bold type so it draws the attention immediately and due to the scale and weight of the words, you read it first which then makes the message funny when you view the image after. The ads seem to be targeted more at males due to the ‘women’ message and is correct in saying it picks more up, as at the time the ad was created, most sports cars only had two seats.



This one again with the layout and large bold type attracts you straight to the text, the answer is at the bottom of the poster however you don’t see this until after you’ve already tried guessing what the missing word could be. It’s a cheeky but a cleverly positioned ad that works well.

Heinz Ketchup:


This two in one and polysemy Heinz ad is an attempt to appoint a healthy connotation to ketchup. It shows their signature bottle of sauce which has been sliced to look like a tomato showing us we are purchasing a product made with raw, natural ingredients. I think it is an impactful and very persuasive ad. 

DE Beers ads:

The creators of the strap-line ‘a diamond is forever’ get it perfectly right with these black and white images. They have powerful headlines and a quirky message to lure you in. I suppose it could also be quite controversial and most certainly aimed at men.