Ad Evaluation

Advertising Artefacts                                IMG_8774

I collected quite a few ads to annotate but only ended up having time to analysis 6 of them. I tried to explain them as we were asked but still not sure if these were done correctly.

D&D Research                                            Screenshot 2019-03-20 at 14.29.35

We talked about the live competition and were shown previous students work in books and online. We then discussed our briefs and made decisions on who to work with and which advertisement to work on. We then deconstructed our chosen brief and rewritten it so that it was easier to read and understandable to others.

We then did a swot analysis and looked at older adverts and researched other companies that are also digitally based like Greggs company on twitter with the sausage rolls.

From our SWOT analysis we then prepared a visual and written target audience profile. Giffgaff’s aim within this campaign is to appeal to: Digitally savvy people, Young adults, Low Income households and Social media fans. They are targeting potential giffgaff members who don’t know what giffgaff stand for or what makes them unique.

We then explained what the unique selling proposition of giffgaff brand and what they offer and then detailed the tone of voice needed for the company.

We sketched potential ideas with concepts and visuals and pitched these to the class. We had now decided that the 800 words needed in our brief, would be a story of a young girl and her ten years with GiffGaff. This would include her life events like receiving exam results, birthdays, anniversaries, births and funerals that have needed her to use GiffGaff throughout. We decided that the personal traits and personality of the girl would reflect on the brands personality which is in the brand guidelines. For our second and third pitches we discussed our concept and responded to feedback from the first pitch and did some research into GiffGaffs older campaigns/adverts. We were looking at quotes for our social media platform pieces and needed to do a word play, looked at quotes, hashtags and even did a story board before coming up with a script.

D&D Final                                                 Screenshot 2019-04-27 at 15.15.42

Our deadline for D&AD submissions was 5pm Wednesday 20th March which unfortunately we missed by 30 mins or so. We presented our final piece on 21st March to our peers. Our feedback was positive, we were told that our concept and story was excellent and there was scope to use this for loads of different people using different stories.

We did make a few spelling mistakes, errors and didn’t have enough giffgaff references in the story. If we had developed this further after receiving our feedback and corrected all the errors it could have been a great piece, however I had to take a week off and we started struggling for time, so the work was never amended.

Creative project                                     Screenshot 2019-04-25 at 14.02.09.png

We started researching the dangers of plastic waste looking at recent campaigns, tv programs and images etc. We watched tv programs like Our Planet and viewed social media posts which also shared videos and images. Some were really shocking.

After our first pitch and receiving feedback from our peers on 28th March (which I was absent for) we were told that we had no concept, and nor did we have visualisations. After time, thought and more research we started thinking about what small changes can make big differences if each person took part, simple things like recycling at home.

Our second pitch on 25th April, we had decided to change our direction as we felt enough was being done on plastic waste and clearing the beaches. Since the program ‘Our Planet’ aired there had been a noticeable increase in recycling from regular households and businesses.

We went back to the start and researched some more, until we agreed on one, we were both interested in.

After some thought we decided on the issue with bees and the matter of them maybe becoming extinct. We looked at recent save the bees campaigns and got some great ideas.

We researched what small changes and steps each of us could do from home to help save the bees from going extinct. Could we make a big difference if each of us took part?

Simple things like planting bee friendly flowers in your gardens and helping exhausted bees by giving them sugar water etc.

Our brief, Swot, Target Audience and USP all remained the same we just added our new research and ideas on to the bottom.

Our final pitch on 2nd May we showed one of our posters which was still in progress. The feedback was that the images of the bees being used wasn’t fitting in with the rest of the poster and some of the type was not consistent.After this session we amended the work and continued with the same concept for the second poster.

Creative project final                                    Screenshot 2019-05-07 at 16.39.46

We created two informative posters with small steps on how someone can help save the bees in their garden’s. The colours and theme on both are consistent and visually appealing with small bee silhouette images and honey comb style background. The posters were then put on a presentation board and printed.

Me and Abbie struggled with communication for this and we will both admit that we should have put more effort and perhaps scheduled some time for this particular task.